Dear Friends,
While we are not prepared to forgo the luxurious sensation of the warm, gold-bathed August evenings, we recognise September is also fast approaching, when one thing is certain - there is much design on show all around London, with plenty of events, late birthdays and wedding parties, also protracted house projects all suddenly reinvigorated.
So as the month wears out quietly, here is something for you to file, either in your beautiful minds or well-arranged computer folders - Studio PeiPei “Abandoned Earth” ceramic range is out now!
Befitted with uniqueness, quirkiness and style, the range is 100% handmade from 100% wasted clay, in small batches, collected and made in Germany.
Damaged packaging, compiled with the availability of raw material contribute to large quantities of clay being wasted on regular basis. As it begins to dry out, clays become much more difficult to work with, hence why less attractive and economically viable.
That said, once enriched with rainwater, the original quality of clays can be restored, which is what the studio has done. The plates are made from randomly arranged and layered clays, contributing to the range playful trait. Each plate top is glazed with translucent white to soften the colour patterns and bring calmness to the objects, while bottoms have been left intentionally raw and varying in colour.
Sized at 19cm x 1cm and divided into three main colour categories – ivory, beige and dark brown, the plates are an ideal choice for smaller dishes, tacos and tapas, contributing to your own sustainability objectives, whether you are hosting a dinner or you are a restauranteur on emissions-reducing mission.
Each “Abandoned Earth” plate requires approximately 450 gr. of wasted, raw material and this edition is “Not Made in China“ stamped. Although being entirely symbolical, the message aims to raise awareness of the issue of goods that are easily produceable anywhere yet still, unnecessary shipped across the globe, causing further damage and pollution.
“Abandoned Earth” is now distributed exclusively through The Home Of Sustainable Things, withmultiple items and trade discounts are available so get in touch for further details. Any EU orders will be processed directly from Germany and UK orders from the UK.

Damaged packaging, compiled with easy access and availability
contribute to hundreds of kilos of raw materials being wasted on regular basis.

Abandoned Earth Manufacturing Process

Once dry clays are enriched with rainwater, the original quality can be restored.

⠀Each Abandoned Earth plate requires approximately 450 gr. of raw material.
issue of goods that can be produced anywhere yet are still unnecessary shipped
across the globe, causing more damage and pollution.
How is it made, where is it made? Who makes it?
We want to be honest and most importantly we can be honest!
So ask questions and stay current as self-education support changes to a more
sustainable living. ⠀