Opening Hours | Tue - Fri, 11am - 6pm / Sat, 10am - 4pm | 53 Barnsbury Street, London, N1 1TP

ABANDONED EARTH - Waste Clay ceramic range 2nd Edition

Making "Abandoned Earth" 

There is a sense of true satisfaction that our first Journal entry of the year is to announce a new release by a design studio we favour for their humility, ability, vigour and insatiable desire to improve. Studio PeiPei 2nd Edition of the “Abandoned Earth”ceramic range builds on its core principles of using waste clays, and goes a step further by replacing conventional glaze with stone ash - a by-product from local stonemasons that maximises the use of waste in production.

At first perhaps, this does not appear as a major tweak but should we look into it, its addition not only allows the making of a plate now made from 100% waste but it minimises the use of conventional glaze, which contains zinc - a highly precious earth element, which we only have a few years worth of left in the ground, let alone the damage to the top soil caused by spillages of glaze leftover.  

Furthermore, the arrival of the new edition coincides with the release of a range of side plates, marking yet another step towards the envisaged and highly anticipated, complete "made from waste" table set. "Abandoned Earth" two available plates sizes are: 
Ø 19cm x 1cm ; Ø 14.5cm x 2cm

For those tuning in recently, the maker's main intentions and the range playful character are achieved by maximising the use of waste through a mixture of clays rather than driven by intentions for homogenous result. We hope you enjoy and embrace this "peculiar" detail rather than see it as a vice!

The "Abandoned Earth" video is also available to watch now here,

Hundreds of kilos of clay are wasted regularly

Wasted does not mean unusable

Stone ash replaces conventional glaze


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